Data CI/CD

What is Data CI/CD?

Software development is crucially important in the digital economy. Software handles so many tasks each day that you may not even realize just how much of modern life is run by it. To create quality software that performs without error, developers often need to work in teams.

Unfortunately, this poses a problem: Multiple developers can’t work on the same code at the same time without the potential for problems. Thankfully, data CI CD is a solution to this that opens more possibilities for developers to create error-free code.

How Does CI/CD Work?

CI/CD stands for continuous integration/continuous delivery. The concept behind data CI CD is that multiple developers can work on the same code project at the same time, but when changes are made to one part of the code, the CI/CD software analyses changes against the whole project. If errors are noted, developers can be alerted.

Aside from catching conflicts, CI/CD saves time and improves efficiency. Without these guardrails in place, developers may get very deep into a project before realizing there’s an error. By that point, millions of lines of code may have already been written, requiring the team to go back through to find the error. With CI/CD in place, continuous integration of new code can take place without the worry of new code causing issues.

Applications Beyond Software Development

CI/CD can be applied to any type of data that changes over time, meaning it is not limited to just software development. Business owners and data scientists can implement CI/CD to see where data conflicts begin over the course of a project or after implementing new processes.

For example, in machine learning, new data may be introduced to a system via interactions between algorithms and users. CI/CD can check this data to see if it conflicts with existing data and processes and alert developers and users to potential issues.

Marketing content can also be monitored using CI/CD to make sure the latest content is displayed to a user who has visited a company’s website previously. This is a form of marketing automation that allows companies to focus their efforts on developing quality content instead of trying to plan out a publishing schedule.

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